Launching an app to change the world is a great adventure, but if no one uses it, then it’s a waste of time and energy! So here is how Meal’Impact is going to target and reach their goals in terms of communication.
Goals and targets
Who? Consumers and restaurants, more especially:
consumers: from 16 to 30 years old, people who have a short lunch break and go to small take-away places, for starters (as we only had one semester to collect data, we started with the Crous cafeteria menus, however the app could easily be extended to more restaurants).
restaurants: small take-away places, for starters.
What we want them to do:
consumers: to use the app
restaurants: to give us information about their food supply and get our label (inspired by the Trip Advisor recommendation label, but for low footprint meals).
How do we get them to do it?
By convincing them that our cause is a good one, and that becoming an actor of change can be easy. More especially:
consumers: the app is easy to use, the way they eat has an impact on the planet’s resources and climate change.
restaurants: the app and the label can be used as selling arguments, especially among younger generations that are very aware of climate issues, and their food supply has an impact on the planet’s resources and climate change.
Storytelling & language elements
In order to catch people’s attention and make them aware and curious to learn more about us, we thought about a few catch phrases. Their use could be declined on billboards, flyers, stickers, web display, infographics, motion infographics, videos and audio messages.
Small actions make great changes / Les petits gestes font les grands changements.
Preserving our planet is within everyone’s reach / Préserver la planète est à la portée de tou.te.s.
Building a better world starts with eating smarter / Construire un monde meilleur commence dès l’assiette.
Are you ready to become a responsible-eater? / Etes-vous prêt.e.s à manger responsable ?
How many planets will Humanity need if we all eat the same as you? Get the answer on Meal’Impact. / Combien de planètes faudra-t-il à l’humanité si nous mangeons tous comme vous (toi) ? La réponse sur Meal’Impact.
To restaurants → Become an actor of change and get our “responsible-eating” label. To consumers → Become a member of the “responsible-eaters” community.
Media planning
There is no use in having a good message if you don’t spread it properly. What are the channels and media that will help us reach our targets?
As our main customer targets are people from 16 to 30-ish, we will have to spend a lot of energy on digital advertising and social network campaigns.
Social networks: We would have 3 social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) ran by a community manager, which would be used to relay content from our website and any content related to our activity, that is to say responsible eating and environment preservation (news, articles, videos…). Those social network pages would also be a way to create and broadcast sponsored content, if, for instance, we make media partnerships with popular social media pages such as Tasty France, Club Sandwich (Konbini) or Munchies (Vice).
Digital media:
Infographic videos with one or several of the messages given in “storytelling & language elements” displayed before youtube videos. Very short audio messages played before famous podcasts (on Deezer for instance).
We would start with an unauthorized poster campaign, first in Sciences Po, then in the neighborhood (once we get more restaurants in the nearby area, like Nooï or le Basile). Stickers with messages such as: “Are you a responsible eater?/ Mangez-vous responsable?” would be put in the streets and busy places like subway stations. In addition, we would print prospecting flyers and explanatory brochures to put in Sciences Po and restaurants and shops nearby.
It would be very interesting for us to put different types of partnerships with associations from Sciences Po, in order to exchange and gain visibility, then co-organise events around eating and preserving the environment or trying to get student discounts in our partner restaurants.
In Sciences Po: La Poule au Po, Sciences Po’s food association; Sciences Po Environnement, Science Po’s association for preserving the environment; Le cri de la carotte, Sciences Po’s vegetarian association; PAVés and CAFéS, organic and local food providing service and student-run eco-responsible cafeteria.
Out of Sciences Po: all the restaurants that will agree to be part of our app data base.
In person:
We are convinced that when it comes to offering a new type of service, nothing works better than in-person prospection.
Part of our team would go directly to the targeted restaurants and take-away places to introduce our app, give further information and try to set up meetings in order to put partnerships into force.
Another part of our team would be in charge of organising events and information meetings inside of Sciences Po (for starters, and then outside): conferences about nature preservation, short circuit food distribution, organic agriculture or cooking workshops during which we would present the app and get people to try it.
Meal’Impact communication strategy : a four step journey
First step: establish partnerships with restaurants
Second step: getting consumers to know about us
Third step: encourage consumers to use the app
Customer loyalty: earn points when using the app and get discounts in our partner restaurants!
Public authorities support: once a certain amount of people and restaurants are registered and use the app, we would try to obtain encouragements from the authorities (first local, like district city hall administration, then Paris city hall administration, then Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition)
Fourth step: encourage people to go to eco-friendlier restaurants
The “responsible-eating” label for our partner restaurants :
Inspired by the Trip Advisor ranking label, we would offer our partner restaurants the possibility to get in our “responsible-eating” label, to attract more potential customers.
The “responsible-eating” map of Paris & the “responsible-eating” guide
Once the app is launched and has had a certain amount of customers and partner restaurants, that is to say once we’ve collected enough data, we would publish the Meal’Impact “responsible-eating” interactive map on our app and website, so that people would be able to know where the most eco-friendly restaurants are in the city, and near them. Combined with the map, we would love to publish a yearly guide (in a book or a digital format) that would rank the most ecological restaurants in the city. The map and guide would attract more customers to the best ranked restaurants.
Poster ideas