We are MEALIMPACT, a student group from the School of Management and Innovation at Sciencespo Paris. We are 9 students, divided into four different masters : Finance and Strategy, Communications, Media and Creative Industries, Marketing and Organisation Behaviour and Human Resources.
We have been reunited in a class called The Great Transition, dealing with great challenges, future solutions and alternatives for economics organizations, societies, and people in general. The class discussed about three different challenges, that are questionning capitalism, understanding digital changes, and finally the ecological transition.
Surrounding the merger of the different masters, we decided to create a common project.
MEALIMPACT was born.
I am a casual gardiner and I grow my own vegetables!
Vegan scottish lord. Love to scribble on Photoshop.
Can’t say I’m an expert in cooking but I’m for sure an expert in eating!
I will never have any Ivory tower, I protect biodiversity.
I always have a crime fiction with me
We are MEALIMPACT, a student group from the School of Management and Innovation at Sciencespo Paris. We are 9 students, divided into four different masters : Finance and Strategy, Communications, Media and Creative Industries, Marketing and Organisation Behaviour and Human Resources.
We have been reunited in a class called The Great Transition, dealing with great challenges, future solutions and alternatives for economics organizations, societies, and people in general. The class discussed about three different challenges, that are questionning capitalism, understanding digital changes, and finally the ecological transition.
Surrounding the merger of the different masters, we decided to create a common project.
MEALIMPACT was born.
We are all interested and sensitive to the question of sustainability. Indeed, it appears that sustainability is the global challenge of the next decades. Thus, this topic was quickly chosen at our first meeting.
After long talks, we realised that sustainability is a vast subject. However one of its main challenges is the ecological values of food.
We decided to focus creating an application which would permit to obtain the nutritive details and the carbon footprint of a meal, according to the origins of the ingredients, their transportation, water needs and agriculture.
In the first place, as we are not engineers and we realised that creating an application was technically impossible for us, we decided to establish a calculator with the whole food data, then to focus on the ecological footprint of the most important and consumed food.
Meanwhile, to get precise datas, we established a small area of studies: Sciences Po students and their food habits. We learned that most were sensitive to the ecological question, but just a few have already used a calculator. Furthermore, we found out that most of them bring their own food to the school, go to the CROUS, NOOI or the Basile and they usually ordered sandwiches.
Then, the project became concrete and we decided to use the calculator to establish the carbon footprint of the most eating sandwich of the CROUS, Basile and the NOOI Pastas.
As said before, we are not engineers, neither we had studied nutrition, so we had to abandon those topics. Also, the project was really vast and we had to shrink it.
Moreover, creating this project was a great challenge. Our 4-different master are four different study areas, plus we are nine different personalities with completely different timetables and we did not know each other’s before it this project. We then had to learn how to work as a company and to manage our timetable.